Pieces of Me: A Story of Self

Welcome to Metchosin ArtPod's  ONLINE GALLERY for the juried show... 

Pieces of Me:

A Story of Self

Pieces of Me: A Story of Self is a thought-provoking art exhibition that delves into the intricate layers of human identity. Through various mediums such as painting, sculpture, photography, and mixed media, this show offers a diverse array of perspectives on what it means to be an individual in today's complex world.

The juror for this show is representational and portrait oil painter Adrien Smart. Check out his work: on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aleo...  or Website: https://www.adriensmart.com/

The web gallery is where you can vote for your favourite piece in the show. At the end of the show's run, votes are tallied and a People's Choice Award is presented to the deserving winner!

This show also exists in real life in Metchosin, BC, Canada, at Metchosin ArtPod. We highly encourage you to come see it  in person during its run from May 31st 2024- July 28th 2024. People are always happy to have seen the show in person; it is quite a different experience from seeing it on-line.

**Note that ArtPod is open from 11am-4pm  from Fri-Sun.**

We welcome everyone to our  Opening Celebration on SATURDAY 1 June between 2-4. Meet our juror, Adrien Smart, and hear how he chose the works featured in this show,  listen to accepted artists in attendance speak about their works and process, and celebrate the 3 Juror's Choice Winners!

To sign up for our monthly newsletter and to find more information about workshops and events associated with this show and upcoming shows, please consult our website: MetchosinArtPod.ca.

Enjoy the show!

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What's In The Pocket of a Maiden?
What's In The Pocket of a Maiden?
Angela Menzies

Dimensions: 10 x 10 x 1.5
Inspiration:: My personal mythology has always been told by the contents of my pockets. As a child I caught and collected “Sallymanders”, transporting them home in my pockets to add to a giant outdoor terrarium. Eventually my pockets bulged with evidence of motherhood – Lego, cars, and tiny plastic dinosaurs. These days, I have returned to collecting riddles that lead me back to my childhood. Or, are these the pockets of a crone? Feathers and bones. My pockets beckon me to stay in my own wonderland.
Materials and Process:: Acrylic on paper mounted board
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Girls Against God by Florence and The Machine
What's In The Pocket of a Mother?
What's In The Pocket of a Mother?
Angela Menzies

Dimensions: 10 x 10
Inspiration:: My personal mythology has always been told by the contents of my pockets. As a child I caught and collected “Sallymanders”, transporting them home in my pockets to add to a giant outdoor terrarium. Eventually my pockets bulged with evidence of motherhood – Lego, cars, and tiny plastic dinosaurs. These days, I have returned to collecting riddles that lead me back to my childhood. Or, are these the pockets of a crone? Feathers and bones. My pockets beckon me to stay in my own wonderland.
Materials and Process:: Acrylic on paper mounted board
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Girls Against God by Florence and The Machine
What's In The Pocket of a Crone?
What's In The Pocket of a Crone?
Angela Menzies

Dimensions: 10 x 10 x 1
Inspiration:: My personal mythology has always been told by the contents of my pockets. As a child I caught and collected “Sallymanders”, transporting them home in my pockets to add to a giant outdoor terrarium. Eventually my pockets bulged with evidence of motherhood – Lego, cars, and tiny plastic dinosaurs. These days, I have returned to collecting riddles that lead me back to my childhood. Or, are these the pockets of a crone? Feathers and bones. My pockets beckon me to stay in my own wonderland.
Materials and Process:: Acrylic on paper mounted board
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Girls Against God by Florence and The Machine
What Remains
What Remains
Phyllis Schwartz And Cathy Kool

Dimensions: 24 x 18
Inspiration:: "What Remains" visually represents pieces of me. It portrays the enduring impact of significant events on individuals and communities in times of adversity. It prompts me to consider what remains after the splendour of a country represented by sunflowers fades away or when a family is torn apart. By capturing the essence of these experiences, "What Remains" invites us to delve deeper into the complexities of human emotions and the resiliency of the human spirit.
Materials and Process:: Collage: pigment ink on fibre, acrylic medium
Accompanying music/song and artist: : "Ah, Sunflower," the Village Fugs
Gudrun's Garden
Gudrun's Garden
Phyllis Schwartz And Cathy Kool

Dimensions: 20 x 16
Inspiration:: Gudrun's Garden is a riot of colour. Her scarves and dresses playfully tumble out of the windows and are now on full display just over the fence. A burst of red and orange cascades and mixes in a whimsical arrangement, creating a striking and delightful visual display. The garden appears to be alive, dancing in the gentle breeze, celebrating the beauty of nature and the joy of life. Gudrun's Garden is a display of beauty and vitality. The array of colours, cloth, and clothing are pieces of me.
Materials and Process:: Collage: paper and glue
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Ella FitzGerald: These Foolish Things (Remind Me of You)
Urban Suits
Urban Suits
Phyllis Schwartz And Cathy Kool

Dimensions: 20 x 16
Inspiration:: "Urban Suits" represents the essence of city life, where the formal business attire worn by the human figures symbolizes the fast-paced and impersonal nature of urban culture, which often lacks human presence. The foreground wall of cosmetic products symbolizes the masks individuals wear to navigate this competitive world and hide their true selves. This tableau portrays the pieces of a self in a performative culture where everyone wears costumes and masks to fit in, succeed, and be accepted.
Materials and Process:: Collage: paper and glue
Accompanying music/song and artist: : 1000 Clowns (Judy Holiday and Gerry Mulligan)
With Time
With Time
Sage Bennett

Dimensions: 24 x 24 x 1.5
Inspiration:: "With Time" is a mixed media piece created shortly after the devastating loss of a pregnancy, leading to a blood infection that almost took my life. Because of the speed in how blood poisoning advances in the human body, there was no time to mentally unpack the events that took place. After spending a week in hospital and teetering very close to losing my life, I was released to my quiet home where I had to sift carefully through all the emotions pouring over the edges of my mind.
Materials and Process:: Acrylic, Gesso, Textile
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Miss You by Nu Aspect
Artist self-portrait
Artist self-portrait
Luis Lopez

Dimensions: 12 x 24 x 0.5
Inspiration:: You may think that painting your own image would be an easy exercise, right? After all, you're used to observing yourself in the mirror every day. But, if you dig deeper, you will soon realize a huge gap between your self perception and the one from the people around. In this painting, I tried to be the most honest, to catch my image without any of those filters we built around ourselves as a protection. The result was this scary self-portrait where you can see my thoughts.
Materials and Process:: Acrylic on canvas
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Depeche Mode/Only When I Lose Myself
Measuring A Short Long Line
Measuring A Short Long Line
Dyan Marie

Dimensions: 55 x 15 x 2
Inspiration:: The things we should know about, once touched, twice broken and forgotten. A seed star and ocean seaweed, an asphalt-garden lazorcut stainless steel bloom, ruler, pins and needles, an invasive Scotch Broom branch covered in a poem, a lost or discarded wire found on the shoreline.
Materials and Process:: Sculpture: a seed star and ocean seaweed, an asphalt-garden lazorcut stainless steel bloom, ruler, pins and needles, an invasive Scotch Broom branch covered in a poem, a wire found on the shoreline.
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Small Faces: Itchycoo Park
Portrait of the Artist as a Blockhead
Portrait of the Artist as a Blockhead
Derek Kasper

Dimensions: 16 x 14 x 12
Inspiration:: I wanted to try out the idea of creating a ceramic image using holes of different sizes and spacings to make a stippled pattern. I didn't think anybody would sue me if I used my own face..
Materials and Process:: Hand built and thrown ceramic puffy cuboid vessel, glazed and multi-fired to cone 6 in oxidation. Photographic image pierced by multiply sizes of drill bit to create the image, later filled with black pigment.
Accompanying music/song and artist: : John Hiatt / Long Time Comin
My Carpenter's Quilt
My Carpenter's Quilt
Catherine Wallace

Dimensions: 28 x 18 x 1
Inspiration:: Pieces of fabric are sewn together to create a quilt for warmth and comfort. My Carpenters Quilt is made from the hardware I have used to create a life building and making things.
Materials and Process:: wood, metal, plastic
Accompanying music/song and artist: : River by Joni Mitchell
Alkalinity Field
Alkalinity Field
Edward Peck

Dimensions: 22 x 28
Inspiration:: The ethereal blue pattern is reminiscent of the experimental 70s, and the grounded earth tones connect past and present, connecting the different memories to the present. The blending of analogue and digital techniques connects to a realm where boundaries between the tangible and intangible fade away, inviting the viewer to explore the depths of their memories and emotions, the pieces of me evoking their fragments. The present is a dream-like scene of various memories and the present.
Materials and Process:: Archival Pigment on Cotton Paper
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Have you Ever See the Rain
Anatomy of a Style Crush
Anatomy of a Style Crush
Edward Peck

Dimensions: 22 x 28 x 1
Inspiration:: The dense, tessellated, mangled shapes caught my eye. Is it consumerism, waste, and the life cycle of manufactured objects I see, or is it about passing styles? Was each one of these someone’s panache? Are they now just pieces of people’s flair that once conveyed personality? Each car was once a reflection of a unique individual, a piece of their essence forever imprinted on a metal canvas now merged with others, one on top of another.
Materials and Process:: Archival Pigment on Cotton Paper
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Mercury Blues by David Lindley
Barbara McCaffrey

Dimensions: 40 x 30 x 1
Inspiration:: I am of Irish heritage. It was on a trip to Ireland in my Mother's birthplace, Ballycastle, Co. Mayo that I started to discover some family stories and my roots. This left an incredible imprint on my life and I continue to seek out information about that history.
Materials and Process:: Personal photograps printed on cloth, silk screening, drawing, mixed media, stitching
Accompanying music/song and artist: : to be determined
Me one..Me two…Me three…
Me one..Me two…Me three…
Bev Michaels

Dimensions: 9.75 x 9.75 x 1.75
Inspiration:: During an illness that brought about depression, all I could do is sit in front of the TV mindlessly rolling balls of clay. And a little face appeared. The first ‘Droll’ came to life. I feared that she would be lonely so I made her some buddies. The more miserable they looked, the happier I became.
Materials and Process:: Clay and acrylic paint.
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Me too by Meghan Trainor
What's the Problem?
What's the Problem?
Kim Money

Dimensions: 24 x 24
Inspiration:: This piece is loosly based on hallucinations I had after a brain operation. There were flourescent orange math problems covering the whole room and especially on the privacy curtain. I couldn't move to feel the curtains but found it very interesting in a Queens Gambit sort of way, but also a bit of a sadistic game to play on brain injured patients. Although my nurse assured me there were no math problems, I was pretty sure he was harvesting organs at night so..... probably not a reliable source.
Materials and Process:: Acrylic and mixed media on cradled board
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Are We There Yet?- A Mother's Journey
Are We There Yet?- A Mother's Journey
Jennifer Kivari

Dimensions: 24 x 48 x 0.75
Inspiration:: As an artist, a woman, and a mother, I am on a journey. A journey with many passengers: my children, husband, family, and friends. This section of the voyage includes raising my children to become solid and grounded adults. This art is comprised of ordinary everyday objects, symbols and humor which are a part of a mother’s life. Throughout the messages, which represent the mental dialogue of myself as a mother, I hear and try to remember the significance behind these daily.
Materials and Process:: Mosaic/collage- stain glass, tempered glass, found objects, automobilia, paper, steel tubing, ephemeras.
Accompanying music/song and artist: : It Takes a Village to Raise a Child by Raffi
Anna Mar

Dimensions: 36 x 24 x 2
Inspiration:: Bringing this piece to life was very meditative. The result mirrors an emotional landscape - my state of mind, as I let my inner voice guide me and let my hand flow intuitively on the canvas. I found the courage. I’m not afraid. I trust myself. The subtle feel of this painting brings lightness and a sense of calmness. Color palette consists of warm peaches and pinks interspersed with whites. This painting was created with many layers of acrylic paint mixed with water or pouring medium.
Materials and Process:: Mixed media - acrylics, pastels and pencils on raw canvas.
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Fear and Love by Morcheba
Pieces of three (1)
Pieces of three (1)
Collaborative Works

Dimensions: 20 x 16 x 1.5
Inspiration:: I wonder who I would be without community. From knitting and knotting to quilting and roof raising, pieces of ourselves are interwoven with our community. This piece was our first piece started by Des. I felt I missed hearing her voice and went a little wild trying to find it again. And then along came Eri! Somehow they were able to find new and lost voices and highlight them through stitching. Friends are wonderful for choosing to see the best in us, and for making the best with who we are.
Materials and Process:: Canvas, paint, material, embroidery
Accompanying music/song and artist: : To be decided on
Pieces of three (2)
Pieces of three (2)
Collaborative Works

Dimensions: 18 x 14 x 1.5
Inspiration:: Sometimes we lose our identity to our friends, overwhelmed by their ideas. In this piece I realized how little I knew Des. She had a lovely soulful piece and I came along with my whirlwind energy uprooting the field of flowers. We both were surprised when months later we kind of liked what we saw, but that it was missing a little piece. Pieces of me became Pieces of three as Eri joined in, knotting us together with meandering lines and bringing out the best of us.
Materials and Process:: Gesso, Oils, embroidery and stitch on Canvas
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Song to come

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