
I'm a Victoria-based photographer specializing in the wet collodion method since 2012. With roots in film and darkroom photography from the mid-90s in Winnipeg, I returned to traditional methods to rediscover my artistic passion. My wet plate photography has been shown in the Xchanges Members Shows, Fortune Gallery, Arts & Culture Colwood, the Sooke Fine Art Show, and the Cowichan Fine Art Show in 2024, winning a Juror's Choice Award.  I also published 'Of Land & Sea' and collaborated on 'Broken' with Will Gordon. My work, featured in various publications, captures the unique narrative of this antique method and is part of private collections worldwide.


I work in the wet collodion process utilizing glass plates to create ambrotypes, a method I've practiced since 2012, following a photographic career that began in 1994. My current piece explores the layers of grief through three layered glass plate self portraits, each depicting a distinct emotion. This technique highlights the nuances and interplay of these emotions, revealing the complexity of grief. My art invites viewers to pause and reflect on their own emotions and to consider the hidden struggles of others. In a world where outward appearances often mask deeper truths, I aim to foster empathy and understanding through my work. The wet collodion process, with its intricate and demanding nature, mirrors the complexity of human emotions. Each piece is a journey of discovery, balancing control and unpredictability, much like our daily emotional experiences. Through my ambrotypes, I strive to create a visual dialogue that transcends words, offering a space for contemplation and empathy, bridging the gap between the visible and the invisible.